Why It's Important To Have A Defined Strategy

Written by Michael Eastwood Founder & CEO of Mastermind Promotion

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Music Is A Business

In the music industry you have competitors in the pursuit of fans, hoping to receive money in return for your efforts as an artist. Obviously, the financial resources of most people are finite and they can only devote so much money to particular interests - the key objective is to maximise the possibility that potential fans invest in you. This raises the important point that music is fundamentally a business - a point that is crucial to understand as quickly as possible.

The Necessity of a Defined Strategy:

Given that the music industry is a competitive business, this calls for a plan as how best you can sway people into investing their time and money in your music rather than another artist’s. The necessity of a defined strategy thus becomes immediately clear, which will seek a resolution to the primary question “How do I beat my competitors?”, a query which raises a number of subsidiary points:

  • The necessity of radio airtime.
  • The importance of a good brand.
  • Maintaining the quality of your music.
  • Shrewd use of social media.

How Do I Beat My Competitors?

Recognising that music is a business and that as a result you need a defined strategy to succeed are the first steps to developing your own strategy. The importance of establishing an economical, effective way to beat your competitors and appeal to the right demographic as well as a wide fanbase is clear and should be the focus of your strategy.

So how?

Areas that your strategy will likely need to address are:

  • Maintaining and improving the quality of your music.
  • Promotion.
  • Branding.
  • Social media management.
  • Distribution.

These are probably the main areas of concern facing you as a musician at the moment - this applies to essentially every aspiring artist worldwide. In order to succeed in beating your competitors, it is important to approach these hurdles in a pragmatic manner, developing a calculated strategy that will navigate each with efficiency and effectiveness.

This may include maximising your use of social media and streaming sites, re-developing your brand, and beginning a radio promotion campaign. Whatever there is that needs to be done to increase your chances of widespread success, it is important to map out a strategy that will help you chart your progress and provide you with the best possible opportunities.

What Next?

You are a musician aspiring to succeed. You may have boundless talent, but limited experience of the music industry itself. Strategising itself, let alone carrying out each designated task on your road to a successful career can strain both your time and your knowledge. Whilst you may be able to strategize yourself, this will detract from the proportion of time you can devote to your music - the likelihood is that the quality of your music will suffer as a result.

Mastermind Promotion can take care of designing an individual, bespoke strategy relevant to your work. We can also provide you with the results that you want to see, implementing your strategy using our connections with online and offline press as well as our vast and indispensable personal experience in the industry. Not only can we strategise, but we can turn your strategy into your reality. Mastermind Your Promotion.